Через 3cx sbc не регистрируются


12 Июн 2018
Добрый день, два офиса на разных провайдерах, во втором поставил две 3cx sbc, одну на винде 7 другую на малине, через обе телефоны не работают, хотя если сервер ставить напрямую в телефоне (ип адрес сервера или FQDN) все работает, но иногда отваливается раз, два в день. Утилита 3CXFirewallCheckerClientApplication ничего не видит с того компа где установлен SBC, не по ип не FQDN, антивирус удален и фаервол выключен. В первом офисе порты все открыты по инструкции
Лог с винды:
ALERT | 20190528-155340.056 | 3CXTunnel | TUNL | 1996 | TunnelTcp.cpp:666 | Sending first packet from [ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT ] to [ V4 **.**.**.***:5090 TCP ]
ALERT | 20190528-160054.572 | 3CXTunnel | TUNL | 4628 | TunnelTcp.cpp:666 | Sending first packet from [ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT ] to [ V4 **.**.**.***:5090 TCP ]
ALERT | 20190528-160445.934 | 3CXTunnel | TUNL | 4892 | TunnelTcp.cpp:666 | Sending first packet from [ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT ] to [ V4 **.**.**.***:5090 TCP ]
ALERT | 20190528-160514.391 | 3CXTunnel | TUNL | 5920 | TunnelTcp.cpp:666 | Sending first packet from [ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT ] to [ V4 **.**.**.***:5090 TCP ]
ALERT | 20190529-085804.914 | 3CXTunnel | TUNL | 3812 | TunnelTcp.cpp:666 | Sending first packet from [ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT ] to [ V4 **.**.**.***:5090 TCP ]
ERR | 20190529-093829.905 | 3CXTunnel | TUNL | 3812 | TunnelTcp.cpp:268 | Bridge [3CXSBC15.5.7503] failure 'Too long inactivity' on TCP connection: while processing tunnel connection
ERR | 20190529-093839.929 | 3CXTunnel | TUNL | 3812 | TunnelTcp.cpp:268 | Bridge [3CXSBC15.5.7503] failure 'Too long inactivity' on TCP connection: while processing tunnel connection
ALERT | 20190529-093900.954 | 3CXTunnel | TUNL | 3812 | TunnelTcp.cpp:666 | Sending first packet from [ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT ] to [ V4 **.**.**.***:5090 TCP ]
Возможно, у вас разные версии 3CX и SBC. Используйте самые последние!
Также, убедитесь, что на 3CX и SBC стоят одинаковые пароли туннеля!
Возможно, у вас разные версии 3CX и SBC. Используйте самые последние!
Также, убедитесь, что на 3CX и SBC стоят одинаковые пароли туннеля!
версия 3сх 16.0.273
версия sbc 15.5.7503
пароли одинаковые
А где у вас расположена сама АТС?
АТС в городе Березники(Пермский край)
SBC в Уфе(Башкоркостан)
Разные провайдеры
Поставил на чистую win 10 sbc…..
Утилита remote firewall/nat test показывает:
Start test, v.1.0.4
Extension 002 is registered
ERROR: Echo test - The call has been unexpectedly terminated by PBX
Possible causes:
1. Firewall(NAT) is not working properly with calls initiated by remote devices.
2. Network failure
WARN: there were no RTP packets received!
Possible causes:
1.SIP ALG or a SIP Proxy has been detected between this computer/network and the target 3CX PhoneSystem. This will cause problems.
Check with the firewall or SIP ALG/Proxy documentation on how to resolve this problem. In most cases SIP ALG should be disabled.
2.Your 3CX PhoneSysem Server might have a Dynamic Public IP address. 3CX PhoneSystem MUST have a Static Public IP.
(A Public IP Address that does not change)
3.You might be using a service like Dyn Dns and the DNS Record has been updated.
Dyn Dns is not supported and you need to configure your DNS correctly if you plan to use 3CX Phone System with an FQDN.
4.3CX PhoneSystem's border firewall might not have the correct Port Forwarding rules configured.
Please launch 3CX Management Console, go to Settings > Network> Firweall Checker> Run Firewall checker.
This will give you an exact list of what ports you would need to open. If the test fails, you would need to login to your firewall and open / port forward the required ports.

Журнал событий сервера:
Extension 002 is unregistered, removed contact: sip:[email protected]:5091;rinstance=a39cba5aaf0a379f, received from:

роутер dlink dir-300 там нет alg sip.
фаерволл отключен
остальное оборудование пассивное.
сейчас результат такой на sbc:

Start test, v.1.0.4
Extension 002 is registered
Calling *777
Connection with *777 established
WARN: Contact host is not PBX IP:>
Possible causes:
1.SIP ALG or a SIP Proxy has been detected between this computer/network and the target 3CX PhoneSystem. This will cause problems.
Check with the firewall or SIP ALG/Proxy documentation on how to resolve this problem. In most cases SIP ALG should be disabled.
2.Your 3CX PhoneSysem Server might have a Dynamic Public IP address. 3CX PhoneSystem MUST have a Static Public IP.
(A Public IP Address that does not change)
3.You might be using a service like Dyn Dns and the DNS Record has been updated.
Dyn Dns is not supported and you need to configure your DNS correctly if you plan to use 3CX Phone System with an FQDN.
4.3CX PhoneSystem's border firewall might not have the correct Port Forwarding rules configured.
Please launch 3CX Management Console, go to Settings > Network> Firweall Checker> Run Firewall checker.
This will give you an exact list of what ports you would need to open. If the test fails, you would need to login to your firewall and open / port forward the required ports.
Audio port is 58410
Echo call - 1554 packets received
WARN: Contact host is not PBX IP:>
Possible causes:
1.SIP ALG or a SIP Proxy has been detected between this computer/network and the target 3CX PhoneSystem. This will cause problems.
Check with the firewall or SIP ALG/Proxy documentation on how to resolve this problem. In most cases SIP ALG should be disabled.
2.Your 3CX PhoneSysem Server might have a Dynamic Public IP address. 3CX PhoneSystem MUST have a Static Public IP.
(A Public IP Address that does not change)
3.You might be using a service like Dyn Dns and the DNS Record has been updated.
Dyn Dns is not supported and you need to configure your DNS correctly if you plan to use 3CX Phone System with an FQDN.
4.3CX PhoneSystem's border firewall might not have the correct Port Forwarding rules configured.
Please launch 3CX Management Console, go to Settings > Network> Firweall Checker> Run Firewall checker.
This will give you an exact list of what ports you would need to open. If the test fails, you would need to login to your firewall and open / port forward the required ports.
Audio port is 58410
Calling *888
Waiting for Callback from *888
Answering call from *888
Connection with *888 established
WARN: Contact host is not PBX IP:>
Possible causes:
1.SIP ALG or a SIP Proxy has been detected between this computer/network and the target 3CX PhoneSystem. This will cause problems.
Check with the firewall or SIP ALG/Proxy documentation on how to resolve this problem. In most cases SIP ALG should be disabled.
2.Your 3CX PhoneSysem Server might have a Dynamic Public IP address. 3CX PhoneSystem MUST have a Static Public IP.
(A Public IP Address that does not change)
3.You might be using a service like Dyn Dns and the DNS Record has been updated.
Dyn Dns is not supported and you need to configure your DNS correctly if you plan to use 3CX Phone System with an FQDN.
4.3CX PhoneSystem's border firewall might not have the correct Port Forwarding rules configured.
Please launch 3CX Management Console, go to Settings > Network> Firweall Checker> Run Firewall checker.
This will give you an exact list of what ports you would need to open. If the test fails, you would need to login to your firewall and open / port forward the required ports.
Audio port is 58410
Callback - 1486 packets received
WARN: Contact host is not PBX IP:>
Possible causes:
1.SIP ALG or a SIP Proxy has been detected between this computer/network and the target 3CX PhoneSystem. This will cause problems.
Check with the firewall or SIP ALG/Proxy documentation on how to resolve this problem. In most cases SIP ALG should be disabled.
2.Your 3CX PhoneSysem Server might have a Dynamic Public IP address. 3CX PhoneSystem MUST have a Static Public IP.
(A Public IP Address that does not change)
3.You might be using a service like Dyn Dns and the DNS Record has been updated.
Dyn Dns is not supported and you need to configure your DNS correctly if you plan to use 3CX Phone System with an FQDN.
4.3CX PhoneSystem's border firewall might not have the correct Port Forwarding rules configured.
Please launch 3CX Management Console, go to Settings > Network> Firweall Checker> Run Firewall checker.
This will give you an exact list of what ports you would need to open. If the test fails, you would need to login to your firewall and open / port forward the required ports.
Audio port is 58410

звонок в текущих разговорах видно
в логах

31.05.2019 12:19:17 - [CM503003]: Call(C:126): Call to <sip:*[email protected]:5060> has failed; Cause: 486 Busy Here/INVITE from
31.05.2019 12:19:17 - Call to T:parkOrb:*888@[Dev:sip:*[email protected]:5483;rinstance=d8b127756c67c5c2] from L:126.1[Extn:002] failed, cause: Cause: 486 Busy Here/INVITE from
Обратите внимание, какие порты нужно пробрасывать на роутере на сервер 3CX. https://www.3cx.ru/docs/manual/firewall-router-configuration/ То, что обязательно должно быть открыто / проброшено на сервер 3CX
1. 5060 UDP и TCP - только для вашего SIP оператора - SIP
2. 5090 UDP и TCP - для всего мира - туннель 3CX.
3. 5001 или 443 TCP - для всего мира - веб-интерфейс
4. 9000-10999 UDP - для всего мира (или вашего SIP оператора) - аудиопоток.

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